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4 min read

Is Your Small Business Cutting Through the Noise?

May 31, 2022 11:24:19 AM

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In our consumer-driven world, something is always competing for our attention. If it’s not billboards on the interstate or ad spots before a Youtube video, it’s going to be TV commercials, radio ads, mailers, and algorithm-driven social media solicitations.

In 2017, Forbes reported that digital marketing experts estimated that users see between 4,000 and 10,000 advertisements each day. That’s up to 10,000 things competing for space in your brain, 10,000 things shouting “look at me!” We can only imagine how that number has increased since then.

And guess what? The people behind those ads probably have more money than you. They’re probably a better-established business. As an entrepreneur or new business owner, you’re in for an uphill battle to be heard and valued above the rest.

If you don’t want to be part of the noise and instead want to rise above it, follow these guidelines.

Don't Be Afraid to Grab Your Customer's Attention

explore your advertising options

Depending on your business, different methods of advertising and reaching your ideal customer may or may not be effective. It’s easy to get stuck in antiquated methods of advertising. While radio and print aren’t totally without merit, you’re going to find a greater potential impact through social media, web ads, and sponsorships.

You could send freebies to notable reviewers and content creators in your industry. You could pay a popular podcast to read spot ads in their episodes. The more you can engage with other creators and leverage their audiences and reputations, the more of a leg up you’ll have than relying on your name alone.

prove your value to the community

A huge part of successful entrepreneurship is in giving back. The best way to get anyone’s attention is to make a positive change in their lives, either directly or indirectly. So volunteer. Donate. Sponsor the local kid’s baseball team so they can buy new equipment. Events, races, teams…there are plenty of opportunities to tie yourself to existing businesses and groups that people already love. And when you do this locally, your impact is more readily noticed by the people closest to you.

invest in smart marketing

With so many things competing for our time, attention, and money, the marketing world has only gotten sharper and more cutthroat. Safe, boring, or uninspired marketing just isn’t going to cut it – not with an ad campaign, not with your branding.

First things first, you need conviction. Conviction for what your brand is about and what you want to do in the world. A clear viewpoint is the best launching pad for effective marketing. From there, invest in a marketing team: either hired or outsourced to another firm. You want people with a finger on the pulse, sharp eyes for design and wordsmithing, and expertise in SEO (search engine optimization) and digital tools.

use social media to be social

Advertising on social media isn’t just about buying ads on Facebook or Instagram. You will find that people more readily search for a business on Facebook than they do on Google. Make sure your Facebook page is sharp and up to date. Take advantage of Twitter, Instagram, and even TikTok to interact with your audience. Leave personal comments on positive reviews.

This takes finesse – people can tell the difference between businesses trying to act human and human beings trying to run businesses.

pull back the curtain

Authenticity is impossible to manufacture. That’s what makes it authentic. We’ll often see the blunder of big companies as they strive to be relatable and socially conscious. The infamous Kylie Jenner Pepsi ad, for example. Or the strange rebranding of the M&M mascots to be more “relatable.” Here’s the thing: people aren’t buying into your business because you’re relatable. They buy into your business because they like your product. They stay because they like how you operate – from your business practices to your values.

Busy sidewalk of shopsBe okay with being authentic. Don’t try to be relatable. Be human. Be honest. Start a blog or vlog documenting your entrepreneurial journey. Let people see what you really do. It’s okay for them to know how the sausage is made! If anything, the vulnerability inspires trust and respect.

sell it

The direct ask is paramount. You might feel it’s too bold but believe us – be direct. Ask your customers to leave reviews online or send in their feedback. You’ve got to ask for what you want. That’s from your team, your partners, and your customers. If you want to be heard, asserting yourself with clarity and a call to action is essential.


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