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3 min read

The Top 10 Traits Entrepreneurial CEOs Have in Common

Dec 7, 2021 10:00:00 AM

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Are entrepreneurs born or made? While some traits are inherent, we can also acquire and hone the qualities that make entrepreneurial leaders great.

When we look at some of the most successful entrepreneurial CEOs, we see common threads. Learning from them and making their qualities and skills your own takes time, but it will make your entrepreneurial journey that much easier.

10 Traits the Define Successful Entrepreneurs

#1 Motivated 

Motivated people turn dreams into action. We’re talking about the will to finish what you start and the work ethic to do so with persistence. Successful entrepreneurs can’t jump from passion to passion. They must have the discipline and motivation to see their projects through to the end. Grand ideas fail when there is a lack of consistent effort and focus behind them.

#2 Self-Starter

Initiative is the name of the game. Self-starters don’t have to be told what to do. They’re already doing that and more! Entrepreneurs don’t wait for the sign off to pursue their ambitions. Self-starters are not easily rattled – they’re well acquainted with uncharted territory. They know that success won’t fall into their laps. Instead, they recognize the need to take life by the scruff!

#3 Creative

Entrepreneurs are creative people, though not in the conventional sense of the word. Creativity isn’t limited to the liberal arts. No, creativity simply points to a spirit of innovation. Successful entrepreneurs are always looking at way to improve the existing and invent the revolutionary. They’re eager to problem-solve and explore.

#4 Persuasive

Proficient communication skills are non-negotiable for the entrepreneur. They can confidently convey their ideas and vision in words and in writing, demonstrating an aspirational spirit. They know how to market and sell themselves. And, most of all, they know how to communicate with compassion and an unyielding sense of leadership.

#5 Versatile

Great entrepreneurs are rarely rattled. Even in the face of trouble, they find a thrill in the challenge of it all. They won’t be thrown off by setbacks and mistakes. Instead, they pivot effortlessly, looking for solutions and improvements from each and every angle. Their flexibility doesn’t mean they lack passion – only that they have the vision and willingness to make necessary changes for the good of the project.

#6 Risk-Tolerant

Entrepreneurship can be a risky venture. It’s not for the faint of heart. Entrepreneurs don’t take reckless or unnecessary risks, but they are willing to embrace it to see their vision through. These are the people willing to take chances, to step out, and to expose their own vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Just never mistake their risk-taking for recklessness – entrepreneurs are always calculated.

#7 Lifelong Learner

Great entrepreneurs recognize the value in what they don’t know. This not only equips them to explore the world and new knowledge (even knowledge beyond their field or any practical applications). Lifelong learners are observant, detail-oriented, and imbued with a growth mindset. The know that what they don’t know they can learn – or rely on a great team that has the skills and experience that they lack.

pexels-fauxels-3183197#8 Collaborator

While successful entrepreneurs are often the sole face of their projects, companies, and efforts, they are undoubtedly collaborative, team-oriented people. Successful collaboration brings together a variety of experiences, skillsets, and visions to troubleshoot, refine, and complete any given project. These entrepreneurs aren’t above their teams – they’re with them in the trenches, working side-by-side.

#9 Relational

The best entrepreneurs are charismatic. While people can be born with natural charm and charisma, you can learn it, too. From interpersonal relationships to public speaking, knowing how to effectively and impactfully interact with people makes all the difference in the world. It’s not necessarily about being a smooth talker, either – it’s about building trust and confidence, instilling a sense of wonder and possibility, and making others feel heard and valued.

#10 Competitive

A competitive spirit is likely the least surprising entrepreneurial trait. This isn’t a competitive spirit looking to beat down others – it’s a sense of wanting to stand out among the crowd, to be better than your old self, and to provide the highest quality of work, goods, and services. Whether you’re competing against others in your industry or yourself, allow to spirit of competition to drive you to do better, be better, and come out on top as the undeniable champion.




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