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4 min read

The Take: 10 Winning Phrases to Up Your Customer Service

Nov 9, 2021 9:45:00 AM

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Great customer service is at the heart of any successful venture. How you and your team interact with customers, clients, and partners builds — or destroys — a good reputation.

Customer service is a constant. It doesn’t just happen when problems arise or a sale is to be made. Customer service demands our attention and engagement throughout the whole of the business relationship.

So, let's start with some customer psychology.

Feelings Drive Decisions

Human beings are emotional creatures. While we want to believe that we are purely rational, our feelings drive and influence daily decisions, from what we eat to what we buy. How the customer feels from the very beginning matters.

Do they feel heard? Valued? Important?

The customer isn’t always right, but the customer must always be treated with dignity and respect. Both positive and negative emotions can be associated with your brand and their experience with it — driving whether or not they return more than the quality of the service you provide.

Loyalty Takes Time

Loyalty doesn’t happen with one transaction. Loyalty is something businesses must build through a combination of brand honesty, authenticity, and reliability. Proving the quality of your work and service time and time again — often while connected with the customer on a personal level — breeds lastly brand loyalty.

Attitude Makes Everything

We can say all of the right things to the client, but if our attitude is off, people notice. Body language and tone play a role in how we perceive deception and insincerity. Businesses, be sincere. Lip service only hurts your reputation. Don’t be afraid of real, authentic communication with your customers. They’ll be able to spot the imposter.

The positive delivery of any response matters. Avoid phrases that come off as negative, dismissive, or passive-aggressive, like:

  • “I can’t...”
  • “Nope.”
  • “Out of the question.”
  • “I’m sorry you feel that way.”
  • Sorry, that’s just our policy.”
  • “Calm down.”

That's why each of the following phrases is only as effective as its delivery. Sincerity, positivity, and a personal touch are key!

Phrase #1: “Great question. I don’t know, but I’ll find out!”

Don’t pass the buck. Making the customers hunt for answers themselves only breeds more frustration. If they came to you for solutions, point them in the right direction.

Phrase #2: “Happy to help!”

Some businesses make customers feel like they’re one big inconvenience. Express that you are happy to help them with whatever they need, whether it’s solving a problem or not.

Phrase #3: “We really appreciate your thoughts/suggestions.”

Express appreciation, even for the “bad” customers who are less-than-polite about their concerns and criticism. Criticism is the opportunity to become better. Thank your customers for the opportunity.

Phrase #4: “Reach out anytime.”

Open, accessible communication is key. Of course, if you say this, it needs to be true — have a system that promptly addresses customers and problems. It may help to follow this up with your business hours and where you can be contacted.

Phrase #5: “Thank you for your patience.”

No one likes having to deal with “customer service” when they’re trying to resolve a problem. It’s usually a long and frustrating process involving a lot of waiting. Thank your customers for being patient as you help resolve their issue.

Phrase #6: “I would feel _____ too!”

Empathy elevates the customer service experience. When something goes awry, express that you would feel the same way if the shoe was on the other foot. Just be sure the descriptor matches the feeling. If a customer is irate, you don’t want to say that you would feel “annoyed.” It can come off as minimizing their feelings.

Phrase #7: “I completely understand...”

Even if you cannot fulfill a request (and it will happen), empathize with the customer’s desires. It makes accepting a “no” much easier.

Phrase #8: “Thank you for bringing _____ to our attention.”

If a customer points out a problem or error, thank them. Allow your customers to enable you to be a better business!

Phrase #9: “Is there anything else I can do to help?”

Leave the door open for further issues, comments, and questions. A customer might not feel as though their problem was resolved fully — following up helps leave them truly satisfied.

Phrase #10: “Thank you."

Never underestimate how powerful it is to feel appreciated. Thank customers every time you see them. They’re giving you their time and attention, even if they don’t buy what you’re selling. In the same way, never make a complaining or upset customer feel any less valued.


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